Friday, February 23, 2018

Migrate to Word +++

Move the parts.

If you've been having trouble with converting to Word 2007+, this might help.

This topic discusses migration considerations for Microsoft Office Word 2007+, including:

  • Migrating files to the new file format

  • Migrating AutoText entries

  • Migrating customizations

  • Migrating Add-ins

  • Migrating AutoCorrect entries

  • Migrating the data key
Microsoft - Migration considerations

Changes in Office 2013

Changes to Office 2016

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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Font Lister

A look see

I haven't seen, lately, how many fonts you can have on a machine, but I know it's a lot more than earlier versions.

Here is a free download that will create an HTML file that will show all the fonts installed on your computer.

"Using FontList, you can change the predefined sample text, exclude seldom used fonts from the list and change the path for the HTML file.

In your browser, you can change the style of a font and zoom in on a font. You can also view the character map of a font. And, for some, maybe the most important feature, you can create a print out of all your fonts.


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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Match Format Paste

Copy/Paste formatting in Word, PowerPoint or Excel

When you copy information from a Web page or another document, the formatting will also be copied.

To match the formatting of the target document, copy the text and place the cursor where you want to insert the copy.

Then, go to Edit>Paste Special, and select the Unformatted Text option.
(Click the arrow under Paste in the Clipboard group on the Home tab in 2007+)

The clipboard text will be pasted to match the target.

Another way when using Word 2002 + is to click on the "Smart icon" that appears at
the lower right corner of the pasted text. You can then choose to keep the original formatting, match the destination formatting, keep text only, or apply a new style.

An additional way to transfer just the formatting between documents is to highlight the text with the formatting you wish to copy and then hold down the Ctrl key and the Shift key and press the C key (Ctrl+Shift+C). Release the keys. Select the text you want to have formatted. Hold down the Ctrl key and the Shift key and press the V key (Ctrl+Shift+V). Only the formatting is copied, not the text.
In Excel use Edit>Paste Special and select the "Formats" option.

What's So Special About "Paste Special"? Video

Paste Special can also be used with graphics.

You can change Word's default behavior; choose whether to paste Inline or Floating.

Microsoft Word MVPS FAQ

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