Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Do You Like Type

Or do you love it?

Fonts have traits, character, even spirit. Wichita University ran a psychological study on how people "feel" about typefaces.

" This study sought to determine if certain personalities and uses are associated with various fonts. Using an online survey, participants rated the personality of 20 fonts using 15 adjective pairs. In addition, participants viewed the same 20 fonts and selected which uses were most appropriate.

Results suggested that personality traits are indeed attributed to fonts based on their design family (Serif, Sans-Serif, Modern, Monospace, Script/Funny) and are associated with appropriate uses.

Implications of these results to the design of online materials and websites are discussed."

Personality of Fonts

For instance when it came to business documents, 78.2% chose Times New Roman, 75.6 thought Cambria was appropriate, while only 5.3% wanted their attorney to use Gigi.

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Default Save

Choose your own location

When you choose to save most Office files, the Save dialog box defaults to the Documents or My Documents folder.

(The following directions work in 2007+, but you need to click on the Office button in the upper left corner of the Window)

you can change the default location by going to Tools>Options. On the "File Locations" tab you can modify the storage location.
Tools>Options. On the "General" tab change the default location.
uses Tools>Options and the "Save" tab.
Tools>Options and the "General" tab for Databases and Projects
Tools>Options "General".
will make you take an underground tour into the Registry to change the location to save e-mail attachments.
FrontPage/Expression Web
appears to require the same sort of spelunking.

Change the folder where e-mail messages and attachments are saved

If you don't want to change the default, but would like to be able to quickly go to an alternate site, open the Save or Save Attachment dialog box. On the left side of the box is the Places Navigation bar. If you click the Desktop icon, that location will be used to save the file.

You can add spots to the bar. Browse to the specific folder. Highlight the folder and click the down arrow beside the Tools option. Select "Add to My Places."

The file or e-mail attachment can then be saved where you want.

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Monday, April 09, 2018

Plain Language

Twaddle free

June 1, 1998


SUBJECT: Plain Language in Government Writing
"The Federal Government's writing must be in plain language. By using plain language, we send a clear message about what the Government is doing, what it requires, and what services it offers. Plain language saves the Government and the private sector time, effort, and money."

The Plain English Network
Plain language can be understood by YOUR reader at first reading. It doesn't mean writing for a certain grade level - it means organizing and writing for your reader. Writing in plain language saves time and money for writers and readers.

Introducing Plain Language

Plain language matches the needs of the reader with your needs as a writer, resulting in effective and efficient communication. It is effective because the reader can understand the message. It is efficient because the reader can read and understand the message the first time.

Plain language produces clear, concise, and readable documents

And then for no reason ,other than most writing is twaddle, here's a review of:

How Mumbo-jumbo Conquered the World:
A Short History of Modern Delusions
by Francis Wheen.

It's entitled: "Twaddle unswaddled".
Appropriate or not, it is fun to say.

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Monday, April 02, 2018

Labels by Merging


As part of their series of demos, Microsoft has information on creating mailing labels from a database, or mailing list.

Create labels with mail merge

Here is another entry concerning some of the fine points.

More label info

Also, if you place a graphic in the first cell, it will be duplicated in each box.

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Index Concordance


Creating a Table of Contents can be easy if you use Styles. Word will automatically insert a TOC when you place the insertion point and then use Insert>Reference Index and Tables and choose Table of Contents.
(2007+  Reference Tab>Table of Contents group)

An Index or Concordance can be more difficult.

In a larger document, you may want the reader to be able to locate key words. You could go through the whole document and mark each word you want included, but there is an easier way.
  1. Make a list of the important words.
  2. Create a two-column table in a new document.
  3. In the first column, enter the word or phrase.
  4. In the second column, enter the index entry
    (If you need a sub-category, type the main entry followed by a colon (:) and then the sub category.)
  5. Save the file.
When it comes time to create the Index, place the insertion point, go to Insert>Reference Index and Tables. Choose Index and then AutoMark. (2007 – Reference Tab>Index group) Browse to the location of your Index file. Word will now automatically use your list to mark the main document and insert an Index.

Also: Word for Word:
An Index or a Concordance for Your Book?
Microsoft KB:
How to create a table of contents and index with field codes in Word

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Publisher Merges

Not just Word

You know that you can send e-mail merges using Word. Try it with Publisher.

Design a newsletter and let it rip.

Merge Publisher

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Troubleshoot Word

Problem solvers

If you have trouble opening a Word document, or it is not working well, try these suggestions:

Delete all of Word's temp files.
  1. Go to Edit>Replace
  2. Make sure to include all of your local drives in the search and that "include subfolders" is checked.
  3. Search for:
  4. Then delete all these temp files.
Word leaves shards of temp files wherever the document file was stored. Word's temp files start with a tilde (~), so in most cases you can delete: ~*.* SECOND
  1. Use Edit>Find to locate Normal.DOT.
  2. Rename it (Normal.OLD) or delete it. Word will create a new copy when it restarts.
The only caveat here is be careful that you don't have important macros stored in Normal.DOT. If you rename, you can recover them. THIRD
If that does not correct the problem, try this next step:
  1. Go to Start>Run and type:
    winword.exe /a
    (Note that there is a space before the /a)
  2. Then press ENTER. This starts Word without any add-ins, global templates, or Normal.DOT.
    Look in Tools>Templates and Add-ins to see if there are any files that can be un-checked.
If you need even more help, go to: 
Knowledge base:

 How to troubleshoot problems that occur when you start Word or when you work in Word

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

VBA Named Arguments

An easier read

Use named arguments for cleaner VBA code.

Most likely, you use positional arguments when working with VBA functions. For instance, to create a message box, you probably use a statement that adheres to the following syntax:

MsgBox(prompt[, buttons] [, title] [, helpfile, context])

When you work the MsgBox function this way, the order of the arguments can't be changed.

Therefore, if you want to skip an optional argument that's between two arguments you're defining, you need to include a blank argument, such as:
MsgBox "Hello World!", , "My Message Box"

Named arguments allow you to create more descriptive code and define arguments in any order you wish. To use named arguments, simply type the argument name, followed by :=, and then the argument value.

For instance, the previous statement can be rewritten as:

MsgBox Title:="My Message Box", _
Prompt:="Hello World!"

(To find out a function's named arguments, select the function in your code and press [F1].)

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Word Math

An Add-in, of course

Microsoft has a downloadable add-in for Word called Microsoft Math.

"To use the add-in, open Word 2007+, type Alt-= to create a RichEdit math object, type an equation or expression, and right-click on the equation to see options for solving and graphing within Word."

Math Add-in

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Merge to More Than One Document

Custom content

In the Data Source, include a field for the type of letter the recipient requires.

In the Main merge document, enter IF fields, such as:

{IF {MERGEFIELD "LetterType"=1} {INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Project\\Letter1" \* MERGEFORMAT} ""}
{IF {MERGEFIELD "LetterType"=2} {INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Project\\Letter2" \* MERGEFORMAT} ""}

  • The curly brackets { } cannot be entered from the key board. Either use Insert>Field, or Ctrl+F9.
  • Word uses spaces in the If..Then..Else statement.
  • The last two quote marks "" are "empty" , so nothing will be entered.
  • Notice the \\ in the path statement. A path is not needed if the Main document is in the same folder as the letters.
  • To see the field codes, use Alt+F9 to toggle the view on and off.
Letters 1 and 2 can have completely different texts, formats and layouts. One can be an invitation to a sale, the other can be a dunning letter. (To carry over different formatting, leave out the \* MERGEFORMAT switch)

After setting up the main document for mail merging, insert all of the fields you want to merge.

Copy the individual fields and paste them in the correct locations in Letter 1 and 2.

Go back to the main document and erase all of the text and fields EXCEPT for the IF statements.

Letters 1 and 2 do not have to be set up a merge docs, or connected to a data source. Their text will be inserted in the Main document depending on the field type.

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Friday, March 09, 2018

Curly Quotes be gone

Stop them up front

Word, by default, uses curly (“ ”) rather than straight quotes(" ").

Here's an article that shows how to go into Word options and turn this Auto feature off.

Next we need to turn off Moe and Larry

Curly quotes

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Migrate to Word +++

Move the parts.

If you've been having trouble with converting to Word 2007+, this might help.

This topic discusses migration considerations for Microsoft Office Word 2007+, including:

  • Migrating files to the new file format

  • Migrating AutoText entries

  • Migrating customizations

  • Migrating Add-ins

  • Migrating AutoCorrect entries

  • Migrating the data key
Microsoft - Migration considerations

Changes in Office 2013

Changes to Office 2016

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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Font Lister

A look see

I haven't seen, lately, how many fonts you can have on a machine, but I know it's a lot more than earlier versions.

Here is a free download that will create an HTML file that will show all the fonts installed on your computer.

"Using FontList, you can change the predefined sample text, exclude seldom used fonts from the list and change the path for the HTML file.

In your browser, you can change the style of a font and zoom in on a font. You can also view the character map of a font. And, for some, maybe the most important feature, you can create a print out of all your fonts.


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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Match Format Paste

Copy/Paste formatting in Word, PowerPoint or Excel

When you copy information from a Web page or another document, the formatting will also be copied.

To match the formatting of the target document, copy the text and place the cursor where you want to insert the copy.

Then, go to Edit>Paste Special, and select the Unformatted Text option.
(Click the arrow under Paste in the Clipboard group on the Home tab in 2007+)

The clipboard text will be pasted to match the target.

Another way when using Word 2002 + is to click on the "Smart icon" that appears at
the lower right corner of the pasted text. You can then choose to keep the original formatting, match the destination formatting, keep text only, or apply a new style.

An additional way to transfer just the formatting between documents is to highlight the text with the formatting you wish to copy and then hold down the Ctrl key and the Shift key and press the C key (Ctrl+Shift+C). Release the keys. Select the text you want to have formatted. Hold down the Ctrl key and the Shift key and press the V key (Ctrl+Shift+V). Only the formatting is copied, not the text.
In Excel use Edit>Paste Special and select the "Formats" option.

What's So Special About "Paste Special"? Video

Paste Special can also be used with graphics.

You can change Word's default behavior; choose whether to paste Inline or Floating.

Microsoft Word MVPS FAQ

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Page Breaks

Demo tutorial

You can control when Word decides to break for a new page.
Ctrl+Enter is the keyboard shortcut, but there are a number of variations.

This MS link has both Demos and text tutorials.
Page breaks

BTW, a merged document is made up of Section breaks, not Page breaks.

For ease of printing, Replace ^b with ^m

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Monday, January 29, 2018

Word News (Still)

Here's another good newsletter

Jack M. Lyon, a book editor who got tired of working the hard way and started creating programs to automate editing tasks in Microsoft Word. He's been editing more than twenty years and started working on the computer in 1985.
(Unfortunately has not published recently, but still full of good information)

A few back issues of Editorium Update arranged chronologically:

  • Deleting Unused Styles
  • Pasting Tracked Revisions
  • Indexing with a Two-Column Concordance
  • Fancy Sorting
  • Editing by Concordance
  • Making a Concordance
  • Numbers by Chicago
  • Fixing Typos Automatically
And more.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Office VBA Tips

Video + Free code

"Learn tips and use sample code for several Office applications. These tips can help you to be more productive and can also be a starting point for developing your own tools, utilities and techniques."
  • Update Word Document Statistics in the Title Bar
  • Create Outlook Rules Programmatically
  • Delete Repeated Text Throughout a Word Document
  • Run Macros Based on the Value of One or More Excel Spreadsheet Cells
  • Disable Related Controls on a PowerPoint Slide After a User Clicks an Input Control
  • Display Reminder Information When a User Opens an Office Document
  • Synchronize an Access Main Form to a Subform and Vice Versa
  • Log Worksheet Changes to an XML File
  • Merge Body Text from Multiple Outlook E-mail Messages to a Word Document
  • Use the Office Assistant as an Alternative to Displaying and Retrieving User Input
Ten Tips for Office VBA Developers

VBA Tips & Tricks

Getting Started with VBA in Office 2010

Download Office 2013 VBA Documentation

(VBA is VBA and is, in most cases, usable in all versions of Office)

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Drawing Canvas

More than I want

The Draw layer has been around since about Word 97, but it has not been as intrusive as it is in Word 2002+.

Try to place an AutoShape on a page and the Drawing Canvas pops up by default.

To turn off this feature, go to:
On the General tab, remove the check mark from
"Automatically create drawing canvas when inserting AutoShapes"

To just dismiss it each time, choose your AutoShape and then touch the Delete or Esc key before drawing the object.

Here's some more information.

Knowledge Base
General Information About Floating Objects
(a discussion of Word's floating objects and layers)

As I understand it, the Drawing canvas is not really a new layer. The following illustration shows the classic layers. It is from the Knowledge base article:
How to Place Text over a Graphic

/                   /
/   <SURFACE OF     /
/       PAPER>      /
/                   /  /
Front drawing layer  -------------------  /
MAIN TEXT LAYER  =================== / /
Back drawing layer  -------------------/ / /
/ /
Front drawing layer  -------------------/ /
(Header/footer) BOTTOM TEXT LAYER  =================== /
Back drawing layer  -------------------/

You can dump the layer in 2007 in the Office button Word Option equivalent of Tools>Options:

Smart Art 2013

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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Keyboard ALT Codes

Quick inserts

Here is a collection of Alt codes. There is also a free download that you can post near your computer.

  • Alt Codes for Letters with Accents for Languages
  • Alt Codes for Bullets, Symbols and Other Special Characters
  • Alt Codes for Mathematical Symbols - Symbols used in Mathematics
  • Alt Codes for Currency Symbols
  • Alt Codes for Drawing
  • Alt Codes for Characters from the Greek Alphabet
  • Alt Codes for "Additional" Letters particularly for Nordic / Scandanavian Languages
  • Alt Codes for Spanish
  • Intellectual Property Right symbols.
  • Alt Codes for Arrows
  • Alt Codes for Punctuation and Editing
  • Alt Codes in Computer Programming
Alt Codes

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