Friday, December 29, 2017

Word to PP

Send outline to PowerPoint

That old 2003 version allowed you to send a Word file to PowerPoint and have it create a slide show.

After styling with Heading 1, 2, etc, go toFile > Send To > Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

2007+ is a little different (duh!)

For Microsoft Office 2007+

Word 2007+ doesn't allow you to publish to PowerPoint 2007 by default.

Here's the solution:

After you are done in Word 2007+, save it as a Word document.

Now open PowerPoint 2007+.

Click on the Office Button at the top left hand corner.

Click Open.

Under Files of type, select All Outlines.

Now select the Word document and click Open.


In Word 2007+, right click on the ribbon.

Select Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

Under "Choose commands from:", select Commands not in the ribbon.

Look for "Send to Microsoft Office PowerPoint".

Click OK.

The command will then be added onto the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Word to PowerPoint

Word 2010 to PP 2010

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Monday, December 18, 2017

Single Space +

2007+ gives you more than you ask for

This quote from The Microsoft Office Word Team's Blog explains their thinking behind making line spacing "looser" in 2007 than it was earlier.

"(A) lesson here for me is that lots of people seem to think of Word as a typewriter (remember typewriters?). There are many examples of this, in the way people construct a table of contents for their Word documents, use the TAB key to align columns, and the way they always hit ENTER twice after typing each paragraph (for those who are fans of extra space between paragraphs).

Many, many of the feedback comments on the line-spacing issue had to do with wanting "single spacing." But, of course the line spacing in the new template is single spacing. It's just that it's a little bit "more" than single spacing used to be: 1.15, instead of 1.0.

But what is 1.0? You might think that if you're using an 11-point font that line spacing of 1.0 would be 11 points. But if you lay out paragraphs that way - depending on the font you're using - the parts that stick below one line will crash into the parts that stick up from the line below. You need to allow some extra space between lines.

In a former life when I set type on a Compugraphic phototypesetting machine, the convention we used was about 20% extra space, so we'd set 10-point type on a 12-point line. Larger fonts demanded more breathing room. This was at a newspaper, so we spaced things a bit tighter than you'd expect to see in, say, a report or a brochure (or, dare I say a professional looking document).

What does single spacing really mean anyway?

How to fix it:
Default line spacing in Word 2007 differ from earlier versions of Word

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

2003-07-10-13 Compatbility

Exchange the future and the past

"Microsoft has added new file formats to Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007+. To help ensure that you can exchange documents between Microsoft Office releases, Microsoft has developed a Compatibility Pack for the Office Word, Office Excel, and Office PowerPoint 2007+ File Formats"

Use earlier versions of Excel, PowerPoint, and Word to open and save files from 2007-13 Office programs

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tab Leaders

You can lead a tab to ...........

Setting Tab Leaders in Word

Fred Smith.........................$44.59

This makes your list easier to read

  1. Select the line on which you want to create a tab

  2. Click on the Format menu and click on the Tabs menu item
    (you will see the Tabs dialog box)

  3. In the Tab Stop Position field enter the distance to the last column: 5", 6" or what ever is appropriate

  4. Then select the tab alignment; Decimal, Right, Center or Left

  5. Select the type of leader to use

  6. Click Set and then OK
Enter the name, or first entry, and then touch the Tab key. Word will automatically enter as many leading characters as required. When you can type the amount, it will be aligned on the decimal or any other alignment you might have chosen.
Here's what it looks like in Word 2007+:

Creating Tab Leader Lines

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Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Send Access t Word

Reformat reports

Not everyone has Access installed on his or her machine.
Access is not the most versatile instrument for complex formatting.

If you wish to share your findings, Access does have the ability to re-format Reports into Word documents.

Open the Report in Access and go to Tools>Office Links.
One of the choices is to "Publish It with Microsoft Word."
Here's the command in 2007+:

When the data is sent to Word, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to convert the file to "Rich Text Format (RTF)" Click OK.

(RTF is a "universal" format. The Report can be re-saved as a Word "DOC" or "DOCX" file.)

Microsoft KB:
How to send the current record to Word with automation

Use a table or query as a mail-merge data source (2007+)

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Sunday, December 03, 2017

First Look at Word 2010-2013

We all have to start somewhere

Here is a 30 minute course:

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Create and save a document.
  • Accept or reject suggested revisions for spelling and grammar as you type.
  • Change page margins.
  • Adjust spacing by deleting any extra spaces between words or extra lines between paragraphs.
Create your first document in Word

First look at Word 2010

First Look at Word 2013

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