Thursday, June 29, 2017

Word Calendar Template

Take control

"Customizable Word template for generating and printing Outlook weekly and monthly calendars.
  • Print any Outlook calendar that you have access to, including calendars from other users' mailboxes and Public Folders.
  • Add color coding by category or by type of item (one-day event, multiple-day event, etc.)
  • Specify time and date formats and the title for the calendar.
  • Freeware.
Outlook 365

See more at

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Getting 2010-13 Reference Guides

Where'd they hide that thing?

Wondering where your favorite Word 2003 commands are located in the new Word 2010-13 interface? Or just want to explore the rich, new design with a little guidance?

... rest the mouse pointer over a Word 2003 menu or button to learn its new location in Word 2010-13. To see an animation of the location of the command or button in Word 2010-13, just click it.

Command reference guides for:

Office 2010

Office 2013

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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Comment Code

Edit toolbar

You'll many times want to change blocks of code to comments in VBA modules; temporarily convert a block of VBA code to comments so that it's ignored during a trial run. Inserting an apostrophe before each line of code is a bother. Office 2000+ simplifies this task by letting you convert a block of code to comments with a click of a button.

Open any module in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), and then choose View>Toolbars and choose Edit from the menu bar to display the Edit toolbar.

Select the lines of code that you want to turn into comments. Then, click the Comment Block button on the Edit toolbar (it's the sixth button in from the RIGHT end of the toolbar).
Each line of the selected code is now preceded with an apostrophe.

To convert the comments back to executable code, select the appropriate lines and click the Uncomment Block button, which is immediately to the right of the Comment Block button.
This, of course, works in any application that uses the VBE.

It's been suggested that two or three apostrophes (sometimes called inverted commas) be placed around existing comments. When the Comment Block is used, the original comments will not be removed.

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Citations and Bibliagraphy

2007+ feature

"What if you write a paper for your literature class, but an educational journal wants to publish it? You used MLA style for formatting the citations and bibliography, but the journal uses APA style. It would be tedious to edit every citation and revise the bibliography to switch them from one style to the other. Fortunately, Office Word 2007 can switch bibliography styles. Choose a different style, and Word automatically reformats all the citations and the bibliography.

What about the next time that you write a paper on a related subject? If your specialty is Mark Twain, you will probably cite many of his same works in more than one paper. Word stores your master list of sources for you. Whenever you start a new paper, you can choose from your list of sources for the citations that you make in that paper."

Academic features: citation & bibliography tools

Previous versions
Footnote, Endnote, and Bibliography Questions

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Easy Reading

Clean up the screen

Word 2003 introduced a view of documents that eliminates a lot of the distractions of Task Panes and toolbars.

It's called Reading Layout.
Word Reading Layout View

In 2007-16 it's View>Full Screen Reading

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Monday, June 05, 2017

Click to Type


When you open a template for a Memo, Letter, or Fax, you will see a field like this:

[Click here and type Name]

When you click and type the field goes away.

Here's how to create on of your own.

  1. Place the Insertion point in the document where you want the field.

  2. Hit Ctrl+F9 to create field brackets {}.
    (they can not be just typed in)

  3. Between the brackets type:

    {MACROBUTTON NoMacro [Click here and type junk]}

  4. Press Alt+F9 and the field code will disappear.

For more information see The Word MVP site:
 Using MacroButton fields.

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